Sunday, December 27, 2015

Breaking the Old Mold

  WOW. This year has been amazing. I admit that it ain't been easy. Change is normally accompanied by some sort of discomfort for our flesh. Many of you are reading this awaiting a story from Nepal. I'm going to try and share bit by bit.
  I haven't blogged in a while, because I needed time to be smoothed in some places. I also needed to learn that it was okay to be different than who I was before. I'd say that when we got back, I was sort of discombobulated.<-----must be a word...spell check didn't pick it up :) I needed time to take it all in...
   I am so grateful to the people God place into our lives who stayed patient after our return to the states. Thank you.
  I want to be frank. When we came back to the states, I felt lost....or something else...

 When we first arrived in Nepal, it was very difficult. There was nothing that could have prepared us for what we faced. No person can describe to you what it's like to go to Nepal the way we did....BUT God is faithful.

  After a whole lot of flying, we arrived in Kathmandu.We were bombarded by people wanting to carry our baggage for us for money. We found our man with a sign that said our name. I had arranged a place for us to stay by using Trip Advisor. ha! They had a driver meet us. As we left the airport, we entered into another world....culture shock baby! VROOOM! all over the road. The Nepali drivers seem to be vrooming ALL over the road. Trust me though...they know what they are doing, and actually are quite courteous.
  Finally, we arrived at our destination. The room wasn't so bad. We didn't know anybody at the time or any we went to bed hungry. This was the first time I felt the shock. Natalie was hungry, and I felt awful. I kept thinking, " what in the world did we do"...I also thought about all the people that had children starving everyday. I reminded myself that God is faithful. I crawled in bed with Natalie, and we both silently cried ourselves to sleep. about humbled.
   We were awakened at 4am by gonging, ringing, chanting, and horn blowing. We didn't realize that we booked our room in a temple courtyard...this went on for 2 hours. Eventually, we went to the upper floor, and the sweet Nepalis fixed us some breakfast. I hardly had an appetite, but I forced some food down.
    Back in our room, I sat on the window seal with the window wide open. It was sort of damp and dreary due the the rain. On the courtyard floor, there were a few Red Cross of China tents. I watched a little boy go over his school work with his mother. I could tell she asked him a question, and he got it right. He was smiling so big. I quickly realized I was smiling,too. I found a lot of joy watching the children play in that courtyard.

       Just one night and a half day in Nepal had stripped us of every ounce of pride. It didn't feel great, but God is faithful. Natalie was singing, and encouraging her daddy and me. She was shining her light.

    11am.: our first experience with an earthquake. I could see from our upstairs window how the Nepali people ran outside with excitement and fear. It was loud like the sound of jets breaking the sound barrier...but you could feel it.
    Although the power isn't on 24 hours, the place we stayed had wifi. Right after the quake, I heard a ding on my ipod. I checked it. It was from a woman named Cynthia. She said God had put us on her heart that morning. I sobbed and cheered. Turns out we have one mutual Facebook friend, and neither of us can figure out how we know them... Anyway, her husband,Kevin, happened to be close by, and they quickly offered to help us get on our feet.
    One week before heading to Nepal, a friend mentioned that a hometown girl named Shanda was in Nepal. I contacted her. The very first morning, after her classes, she found her way to us.
    We ventured down to the courtyard near the entrance and waited. Almost at the exact same time, Shanda and Kevin show up. God is faithful. We had South Georgians gathered right there LOL It was crazy I tell ya. We all hugged and swapped information. It was so have no idea...or maybe you do. God is faithful.
    We spent the rest of the day with Shanda. She took us all over. She may have a small frame, but her heart is so big. One might say it's like our Heavenly Father's. She guided us in getting food, money, and a cell phone. She took us to meet her friends and "family" in Nepal. Her heart is so beautifully open to love. We even learned to ask a person if we could pray for them in Nepali from her. The whole entire time...I thought..."wow...God...I can't believe this is happening." God gave us help in the form of a person from our own hometown who we never even knew...whoa.
    Back at the temple went back up, and ate our first round of traditional Nepali food. I still had no appetite, but the food was served with love by a beautiful Nepali woman...and after a full heart felt warm.

to be continued....

Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm Awake!

    There are no words to describe all of what I feel inside at this time. There are not enough words to describe what God has done for me and my family. Oh how and why would He choose to send us.
    Every life counts. We are not insignificant. 
                                           You are not insignificant.
            So easy to say...but do you? Do you trust God? What has He placed on the inside of you? It is like an explosion inside of you that you have to let out! It's dying to escape. Do not let it die! Let it out! Let the Holy Spirit swarm up and out. Trust. Let God lead you. Trust. Trust. Trust. He is saying, "trust me."
    So much has happened in a weeks time. I cannot share every detail. I hope everybody can understand. I will share that soon the appointed time is approaching. We trust His perfect will for our lives. Pray for us.
    May all your fears be gone! Step out and cross the bridge to destiny! Be no longer a slave to fear! You were made to overcome. You have been given dominion. Rise up and awaken. Be amazed! WHOOHOOOO!
 We will not be sharing everything on social media as I hope you can understand why. If you'd like to know more about the mission set before us, email us your mailing address. We will keep you updated:) 
Contact us: email:
                  mail:  P.O. Box 108, Norman Park, GA 31771

No matter what...We were created to endure! Rise up and wake up lovers!
"Your praise will ever be on my lips!" We were made to worship!


Monday, January 19, 2015

Heart Ache

     It's been almost a year to the exact date of when God spoke to mine and Josh's hearts concerning the mission field. We all want to know our life's purpose. I sometimes think that God doesn't reveal it to us in it's entirety at once, because not only would we grow impatient... it would overwhelm us. He is super smart you know.

     Life has been going great for our family. We've been working at our jobs, and homeschooling, and Natalie's been dancing, and we've even gotten one of our cats back that we gave away. (Don't let the run on sentence get to you. I like it.) Yes, we got one back. The fellow that was just a wee one when we parted is now back with us.:) All of these things make for a comfortable life.
      Let me tell you this...I am very happy. I have no complaints about my life. I am blessed so very much. I am taking it all in and enjoying what I have...I'm enjoying this life.
     The thing is.....

            "I feel like I'm dying."  I know what God has for my life. Maybe not all of it, but a portion. My heart aches and yearns so much to reach the point in the path that He has shown me. Sometimes, I want to scream or cry out!!! It's embedded inside of me. All of His love is embedded inside of me for these orphan and poor children who do not know they are loved, and the only opportunity for them to know love is me, or my husband, or my daughter. I cannot explain it all except that God has placed this yearning in my heart.
       The yearning to live fearless. AHHHH! The more I know God my Father, the more I yearn for those children to know they have a Father who loves them. The more I yearn to tell the homeless blind lady on the side of a dirt street who has no name....I love you...God loves you....You are worth being loved. It's so overwhelming...I cannot speak enough words to explain it all.

    I said it out loud once. "I feel like I'm dying." A wise special friend of ours said, "You are."
    Just now....ha! I realize, I was feeling blah. I felt like everything was at a stand still....but I'm dying:) Why a smiley face? The more I die to myself, the more He can love through me. When people see me, I want them to see Him.
     OHHHHHH!! I yearn and ache so bad to see Mozambique, to see reach take action..and GO!!!!

     Everyone always asks about us and our mission. I hope this helps you understand. God has already spoken aloud, Nepal. We are just waiting for the GO button to be pressed.
   Meanwhile, Josh currently teaches a Bible class at Word of Life Training Center. There, we minister to all sorts of folks inside and outside the training center.:)

   God loves you more than you can imagine. More than you can imagine...
 I'm so glad He loves with a strong steady heart. Thank You Father. I trust You.