Thursday, October 27, 2011


Day 3
20 min run on treadmill. went up to 5 this time.
then did upper body w/8lb weights
then walked on tread mill for 20 min

felt good today;) I am lovin' it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cardio DAY2


10min brisk walk 10minjog 10min bike 10minrun

that was today

and yes. I am sore from yesterday...and the bike. lol

Day 1: Down to business!

Day one. I joined the gym today:) Did my errands and went....
15 min on the treadmill
then weights...I was advised to start with 2lbs, but after I tried the 2 I went up and up all the way to....8lbs.
then 5 minutes on the eliptical on highest incline
then 25 on the treadmill
then home...I forgot my cruches and push ups.
but I played Wii dance w/Natalie=more cardio

This morning (next morn) I am sore.
Today I go back.

I went to the grocery store and got this!
oh my ...this stuff is too good. I got vanilla caramel

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


There is this show on Netflix that I have grown to be inspired by...HEAVY

I am very encouraged. I know if they can do this...I can!...and so can you!!!

I joined and entered in my measurements. I'm gonna try my best to keep up with it. 
 I am planning on joining the gym next Monday.
These folks are 200-300 or more lbs over weight and are doin' it! A couple of them do 5ks and another does a small triathalon! WHAAA!

Many of them are emotional eaters...well...I, myself am no longer in denial. I want to be fit! I set a time...before I'm 40. I'll be turning 30 next year....but why not sooner. I'm not sure what the possibilities are...but we will see.
Time to hunker down. Seriously.

I have been in good shape before. BUT this time I want to be is better better shape.
I want you to see my muscles. MUSCLES. but not is a gross manly muscles.

Well, as I always say, "we shall see". once again.


Wild Animals in Ohio

    This morning we are all hearing about ,"wild animals escape in Ohio". The sad part is....the owner let them out and then killed himself...he wouldn't have thought that they would be killed....and it is sad he took his own life. The animals were killed. This is sad...they didn't ask to be captive wild pets. I am torn on this...but I understand both views.
    Responsibility would lie with the owner, who is no longer with us....and....
I believe the lawmakers. I ususally don't voice much of an opinion on political issues...however, I do believe that laws need to be MUCH tighter. Folks knew that he had these wild animals...and knew that since around 2004 calls had been made concerning issues with these animals.

Some of these animals were endangered. Sad so sad.
Sad for everybody.

What do you think? Are you saddened?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Joy in my Heart

JOY is contagious. Many things are we know joy is the good kind of contagious.

Joy heals.

Lately, I notice myself thanking God a little more often. I'm wowed by all the love He pours out over me.

I find myself daily thinking..."this is a good day". 

Even though...we should count it all joy.

okay. I have a confession. For 2months now I've been eating a dumby...more like a wheat addict. I thing I have learned...what it's like to be an addict. "just one little bite" I say...and the next day the bite is bigger and so forth. Well, that ends today....again. LOL
You see...I get to feelin' so good that I think to myself, "one bite won't hurt". But I can never stop with one....I LOVE FISH! FRIIIIIED! mmmm

Now I'm not all sad about it or anything.

I've been thinkin' of joining a gym again....still thinking.

I've met so many new people in the past year....people that I know God has put in my life as an uplifter:) YAY!

I just feel so lovey dovey lately:)

Below are some pics...for your entertainment only:) :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Orange Tabby

I've loved animals my whole life:)
Jake my orange tabby is my boy. I call him "the most handsome boy I know". He's a good boy. He lets me rub his belly and hold im like a baby...and he comes running when I call. He wakes me by "knocking" pawing at the door in the a.m. when he is out of food n ready for breakfast. If you hate haven't met a cat like Jake.

Lykna...she is a a husky we rescued. Paid $10 and then got her heartworms vanquished. She has good manners and sweet eyes. She is my sweet girl.

Luna....our new addition. You can read about him in a couple blogs back. He is a large dog, but a kid at heart.

Why am I sharing this...well...I want folks to see that rescued animals are the best! Plus...they generally cost less and are loyal and grateful.

Share the love. Rescue a pet today. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

I got Scents!


      I've tried a few direct selling companies, but this one is the winner for me. A few months back, I saw a few of the companies products. I was impressed.
      Over time, I've bought so many candles and perfumes and etc. You know the deal. I love candles, but I do have the issue of forgetting to blow them out. oops! We have all done this, no?
      Remembering Scentsy...I decided to investigate the company. So, online I went...and come to find's a good one folks. This is what I did...I contacted the person I knew who knew somebody who sold these products. "Tell her to call me please."
    And so the story I am selling Scentsy. If you know me, you know that I only promote things I strongly believe in...and I love Scentsy. Why not share the experience?
   I'm not trying to get anybody to sell Scentsy. I do not like pushiness. ( I, myself, felt hesitant and had to make sure this wouldn't be a past experience relived) If you want to sell it, fine with me, I'll sign you up & do all I can to ensure your success. 
   My idea, is to get people to recognize get them to experience the goodness of these products.

Research: I've compared other products similar to Scentsy, and none compare.
If you wanna see what I'm blabbing about check it out here first . You can feel free to contact me for more information.