Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I am so excited about my latest blood work. I got my B12 retested...999. In the past, my blood work has been wacko. Now, everything is normal! WHAT! yes!!! normal B12 levels are 200-1100pg/mL...mine is 999pg/mL. WHAAAA! I'm so excited. No wonder I feel so good:)!
I've been taking Cellgevity for about 3weeks. I feel so ...normal. Tomorrow on Dr. Oz , they'll be talking about Glutathione. YOU NEED TO WATCH. If you are alive, you need to be taking Cellgevity. I am not trying to sell anybody on it...I believe it works. I love the Max company. I was honored enough to meet Mr. Scott and find out the heart of the company. Dr. Nagasawa is super gifted. He developed a technology that works. Ribocene. If you want to ask me about it, gillnurse@hotmail.com. I don't mind you contacting me at all. There are a couple other products I love as well. ATP and MaxFuze. I am not a pill popper..I have to know the science of how things work. I can explain this...which means...it's legit. Not some kind of get rich quick money grabbing thing...it's something I believe in..Cellgevity will change your life. LIVE

okay. I have to go off and run errands and all...:) hehe


If you are interested please contact me before you order. I want you to know what it will do for you.
go ahead and research Glutathione.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blabbing About Stuff

Does anybody else have so many medical bills that they in turn cause confusion? Yeah. They cause you to pay double on one bill and none on another...or perhaps you just forget one all together...and when you sit down to sort them...you have to pray first and during and after in order to stop your head from exploding.
I was just wondering.

I am thankful for doctors and nurses...and those who sleep odd hours of the night to help those in need of medical attention. I am at the point however that I do not trust the system. I don't want to get everybody all crazy-eyed so don't get all mad and puffed up. Cause I ain't...*pause...blinking*hahaha! I am simply stating that it is mostly about the money for the big wig companies and etc...mmhmm. But ya know what...God healed me completely of Celiac Disease and didn't charge me a dime! *giggling* I get excited about it every time! I mean I can eat dumplings and toast and cake and cookies...and soy sauce...and you name it buddy:) Now, I do like my supplements...I'm not gonna tell a lie. They good to my Gills.

Sooooo... I got burnt at beach while kayaking in the sea...and...it...was...so...sore for a few days. It's pretty much healed on up now. I went back to the ol' gym...it missed me. ahhhhh:) When I got done I realized..."ewe" (what is this) I had these little bubbles on my arms and back where I was burnt. Apparently:when you work out and sweat it up following sunburn, sweat gets trapped between the healthy new skin and the damaged skin. It's not painful at all. You can rub them with slight pressure, and they will burst. OR you can just wait and they will peel. NIIIIIICE right? HA! Well, I'm peeling. I went back today...and it happened again. I'm like a creature from Dr. Who. Except I'm not. One thing is for sure: I'm happy I'm not peeling and having blotchy skin. I've put on a lot of aloe and lotion to keep my skin moisturized. Soooo...yeeeahh.

Yesterday, I switched all my tanks around. I had to move Miss Charlie, the turtle, to my 55 gallon tank. I divided my Cichlids and put them in my other 2 tanks.
Here is how I did it...I know you are excited...OH JOY:)! eeek!
First, I cleaned out my smallest tank and filled it back up with clean H20, being sure I de-chlorinated the water. I rearranged the tank:taking out and putting in..etc. Second, I suctioned out about 75% of the water out of the 55gal tank. I took each Cichlid out (all 3) and put them in separate containers. I put one container in the lil tank for a while and released that fish after the water temps equalized. ARE YOU EXCITED YET! Third, uhhh...I then I took Charlie out of my 29gal tank and put her in a box...being sure she had some water to bask in....and continued to clean that tank completely. Next, I cleaned out the 55 gal tank for Charlie. I had to get ALL the lil rocks out and put them in the 29 gal tank...in went the 2 Cichlids...bloop. I need to add this....one of the African Cichlids is a lively one...it leaped behind the fish tank...it had been traumatized and possibly injured. I don't know if it will make it or not....maybe so. I filled up Charlie's tank with a water hose...yep...and then turned on a light to heat the tank up..and then and then and then and then  in went Charlie.
Now, I know that was so exciting, and you are wide awake smiling. Yes!

You know what else about me....I have 3 pairs of tennis shoes(workout shoes), yet I continue to wear the oldest ones. hmmm. Nike 5.0=my favorites

OHOH LUNA! I took big baby Luna to the vet today. He weighed 110lbs. The Vet said Luna was doing very well. I was so proud of him for being a good boy. He was a lil scared, but it caused him to behave. He walked sooo good on his harness:) When we got home, Natalie and I tried several ways to get him out of the car. He would not budge. He was frozen in fear...scared to jump down. I pulled and she pushed. <----didn't work. So I moved around to the other side of the car (his backside) and pulled his back legs down onto the ground. He came on out...sweet boy.

OH OH yeah. I broke a guitar string today...gotta get new ones ASAP! AHHHHHHH!!!!!

ok. I reckon that's it for now.
Good night Good day
Do one thing for me...and smile:) thanks:) 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


   The wind of change has been sweeping through..and quite frankly...I don't mind it a bit. Wouldn't it be boring if nothing ever changed.
   Last week was a busy one for meh. My schedule was different than normal...no surprise. Wednesday and Thursday we had a conference with David Hogan at our church. Lives were changed! It was an awesome joyous time.  I would like to share some things in that may blow your mind, but that's the fun part.:)

 Genia arrived at church with her little boy, Brody. They got out of the car, and she told him they were at church. Brody, who is a toddler, pointed to the roof top and said, "There's Jesus up there."  She was blown away by what he saw...God is so awesome. Children see more than we do...they really have, "faith like a child." No doubts. No fears. Pure faith.

God does some amazing things. We just have to open our eyes so we can see.

I had the honor to lead worship for a women's retreat at St. George Island. It was wonderfully refreshing. We were all getting ready to leave. A sweet lady, Janice, told me her doctor said she'd have to use eye drops for the rest of her life. Her tear ducts no longer worked. She said that during worship she started to cry and tears began to roll down her face. Tear ducts healed! 

Isn't God Amazing:)

Friday, March 8, 2013


I never thought I'd be a crazy cat lady...well...maybe I had some inclination I would be but.. When I sat down on the couch after being gone all day, my Jag (cat/son) sat in my lap and just love love loved on me. I started to think....He's not use to being home alone several days in a row-I'm gonna be gone Mon-Thursday...then gone all day and night fri-sun morning...oh dear. This may seem absurd to some, and as you may already know...I don't care. I have already cried over it. I am feeling sad about it. My husband will be home to accompany him on the days I am absent, but it's not the same. I love my lil' man. I'm gonna miss him.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Big Hearts

    I felt a little sleepy this afternoon, and decided hmmm perhaps a little tea. While I was making it...mmm...my Aunt Susan called. We had a nice chat...catching ourselves up on...ourselves:) We always have a good time:) She is the pretty lady in the center of this picture. When I was a kid, I use to stay with her and/or my granny a good bit. Harold Jr. is her son(not pictured obviously)We use played all the time. He's like a lil brother to me. He's a pretty special young man.  One of my other cousins is also in this picture. The tallest young lady in the black on the right. She's my Sam I am....Samantha. She's the baby of us cousins. I guess I'm a big time family girl 'cause I feel like my whole family is special. I mean extraordinary. Big hearts and determination...stubborn...but we stand firm...Compassionate and Passionate. You see how this applies...I mean...look at the lady in the scrubs...Tammy. She goes beyond. Wow! What a heart:) Look at the little ones...God only knows what great things they will do. Yeah Yeah Yeah. I am on a tangent...a good one. I feel so blessed.

Here's a video for your enjoyment. A brother of mine in Christ, Jacob Poole, singing with some talented folk. If you've got a Youtube account, be sure to like and comment.

Don't forget to visit my page as well. http://www.youtube.com/gillnurse

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dr. Who

Yesterday, I went to the gym, and planned to workout as usual. Tuesdays are the hardest days...the class is very challenging that day. I was feeling great for about 20 minutes...and then BAM...I felt like my heart was going to fast and felt wheezy...so I stopped and took a break. I attempted to do the eliptical...but that didn't last...so I went home. I felt so defeated at first. Angry. I was like," REALLY! " I called Robyn, and she encouraged me. She said," it's just one day." Today, Robyn and I were able to go back to the gym, and we both worked very hard! YAY! Keeping the faith.
When I got home I had a little meeting with a lady I know that has in the past suffered with lupus and fibromyalgia. I knew she was in a horrible state for a long time due to so much medication, inflammation, and pain. If you have ever suffered from a chronic illness, then you know. I've been wanting to take Cellgevity forever, but have put it off. I'm back in the gym, and inflammation is creeping up on me. I signed up today to sell Cellgevity and also to take it myself. I am excited. I am ready. I know people who take Cellgevity, and their lives have been changed. I can't wait to start my 90 day challenge!!! I will post updates!  
Does anybody watch Dr. Who 2005 til present. I love that show...just saying:) 
To Do List: is very long....one thing I have to do is switch my aquatic creatures around. CHORE<---big chore. Gotta give Charlie the turtle more room. I'm moving her to the 55gallon tank, and splitting the cichlids up into my smaller tanks. 
I think I'm gonna work on my garden again this spring:)
and well...that is all for tonight. 
Goood Niiiggght. 

1.5 run on treadmill
Some arm stuff w/8lb weights
6 pushups
several squats
1 run on treadmill

Defend the poor and fatherless:do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
Psalms 82:3-4

Monday, January 28, 2013

Today is a New Day

      Most that know me know that prior to June I had lost about 30lbs by working out at the gym and running. My life changed...like they do...and I was unable to work out and thus gained it all back. I started back to the gym in January thanks to a gift from my daddy. I weighed today. I have went from 188 to 185.5! YAY! I use My Fitness Pal to keep up with calorie in take and calories burned and etc.
I'm "Back Alive" lol (for those of you who remember the hair product;)

      Depression can creep up on you like a beast...well...I reckon it is one. Nasty thing...stealing joy and killing folk. Since June, that ol devil has tried many times to get me...well I guess you could say all my life...and really more since we began in ministry...but way more since June. Get my drift? Many tears and many battles...but battles won. I may get weak and weary along the way, but I will always get back up...I have victory. 

      Spiritual battles are present in every day life. Sometimes the battle gets more intense and other times it seems to be quite calm. What is so cool is how God takes these intense battles...the battles in which we've been trampled upon and wounded ....He heals those wounds and picks us up...He carries us through. Oh how He loves us. Like I said in the previous paragraph, I've been battling-actually I guess you could say it this way-I've been transforming. When the moments arrive--->those times you think..."this is it"or " "I can't do this anymore"..something happens in our souls. God is molding and transforming...He knows so much more :) He takes that situation or terrible feeling and transforms it and renews ....confirms....loves...the battle has already been won. I have been renewed and am feeling just WOWed at God. He always does that..:)

     Since childhood , ya see, I've never really "fit in" anywhere...well at least not in this world. HAHA!  You know what. I'm okay with that;) I was being molded and prepared for such a time as this. I may never "fit in" or be accepted by everybody. It's okay with me now. I know God accepts and loves me. 
     I admit. I still may have weak and insecure moments.I'm not perfect.I will never stay down...mm mm nope. 

   I'm so grateful that God healed my family. I love my husband more now than ever. He is a wonderful and handsome:) man. I am honored that God chose to put us together. I'm mean he seriously loves me. I know, because he got a kitten for me. hahaha! Meet Jag:)

     Be prepared in your heart. Your faith will be challenged. Remember to always continue to love as Jesus did on this earth. Swiftly forgive. Release Strongholds.
     I received a card with some declarations on it from Kaylor Ministries. I put it on my bathroom mirror. The first one says: "Today is a new day". So yeah! Declare that over your life every morning.

                  "TODAY IS A NEW DAY"     

Psalms 48:14
For this God is our God forever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death.