Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Goodbye Twinkie

Yeah. So I don't remember if I posted or not...but I'm not going to the rhuemeee anytime soon...insurance...and not wanting anymore bills.

The wheels are churning.
January will mark a turning point in my life. I am changing what I eat big time. Some may call it crazy, and some will say WOW! Some will want to join, and so they shall. Yeah...I couldn't help myself. I love bustin' rhymes.--You'll find out more about the whole food thing later-- I am rejoining the gym. There was no need to join mid-December. Holiday Hustle. I've also decided that I need to pay the ol' Takamine more attention. I've been playing here and there, but still... If in December of 2013 I am still in the same place in my life, I'm gonna ...uhhhhh....be very disappointed in myself and feel like a weenie. Here's to getting back to Ninja Time!!!! My body may try and stop me...but I don't care. I will cry and bust through it. I refuse to get sick and accept any disease or whatever the crap may come my way! YEEEHAW! Just call me Jackie-Ann!
Time to turn the wheel to the next selection...this one is played out...move over Shoulda Coulda Woulda....time to take a lil step....move over sickness....ain't NOBODY got time fah that!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Beast Mode?

Last night, I decided to look over some inspiring "fitness for women" quotes and pictures. -You see, I've made a plan. I am moving my gym membership. I do very much so like the gym where I am currently a member, but it's inconvenient. Robyn and I have decided it's time to return to BEAST MODE! My energy level isn't at it's best...gonna start back on the B12...no not with any additives like boosters...just B12.  When we were going together we both lost a bunch of weight and toned up a lot. I won't be able to switch until the end of NOV. BUT it's gonna happen.
I also know that if I don't exercise, and keep eating the way I've been eating=oooo big and bad by the end of the year. 

I just decided to deny whatever it is that is attacking me. Yes, I have moments of pain. SO!
I worked in my garden yesterday, and my arms are sore=BEAST! Great exercise for the arms!
This tool will work your arms!

My plans are to expand my garden a tiny bit. In memory of my Prince Jake, I am building a fire pit with lil paw prints on it...I think I am gonna come up with a few more things to add to it.:) 

It's a good idea to get outdoors! 

Luna and Lyka are enjoying this chilly weather. I can't wait until their coats get thick.:)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I've started back running, and am averaging about 10-10:3 min for a mile. =not what I was doing, but hey! I gotta start back somewhere.

I have also decided to slowly decide how to be an avid coupon lady. We will see how this goes...I've printed some out, and feel free to get me those coupons out of magazines/papers that you're not using...no need to cut them out...I'll do it:)

I am having an open house on Nov. 19th for all to come and shop with 4 difference companies! whoohoo! 

I still have some sadness...especially at night...missing Jake and all.
BUT I'm doing good.

So..this is a short sweet to the point blog. Yes.
I've gotta homeschool my girl, and run some errands today.
Love all!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Worse than I thought.

Update: I lost Jake. He died during surgery. I held it in all day. I cried off and on...but when all things settled...I tucked myself in bed and......it was out of my control. I felt like a huge lump was in my throat...I felt like my heart hurt...and I couldn't help but cry out loud. I cried so hard I lost my supper and more. 

I don't know. Maybe some folks think I'm crazy, because they don't understand...that's okay. 
After...I looked in the mirror and saw what I've been pushing back into my mind over and again silently until recently it has come forth....the butterfly on my face. I'm not saying it is...but I can see it..more now than ever. "Do not think," OH dis girl she tryin' to claim something" PLEASE. Stop.  I've been feeling better with less aches, and no shortness of breath since I've been taking an otc anti-inflammatory. BUT I've been tired. My gums are bleeding more than they use to....WELCOME TO MY PITY PARTY FOLK! 

I am quite aware that I'm a blessed person....in fact...I feel like I'm overly blessed. So blessed that I am ashamed to complain. So...I'll stop.

BUT one thing you should know...I'm real. I'm not gonna play up some illusion that I'm not human...that I'm perfect...that I never hurt or feel angry...or get offended...or whatever...FACT is I'm learning everyday..I'm changing everyday...and I am getting stronger...You might not be able to see it....BUT HE can. He is the one holding me up...He is my Fortress. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Return

I got a phone call this afternoon that would alter my day. The neighbors called to say that Prince Jake had been found. THANK GOD for good neighbors!
I knew he'd be dehydrated. He's been missing for a week today. I bought Pedialyte before I drove home.  I came home to find him dehydrated, tired, and with some kind of injury. I gave him as much fluid orally as he would take. My husband will take him to the vet in the morning, and we will get him treated. My heart is breaking, because I can't take his pain away. I am thankful he is home. Hope.
Pray for my Jake.
A little song for Jake. May sound corny, but this year has really stunk at times. I thank God for my family. I thank God for my Jake. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Expo and another result

Natalie and I worked the Expo for the past two days with some awesome folk! My feet hurt, but we had a ton of fun. We loved the Florida tent...not just because we are Gator fans. Science was all over that tent. We stayed at that exhibit longer than any other, because Natalie was lovin' it!

I got home and soaked my feet!

My general practitioner's office called...and guess what....ehheheheheeee. My Celiac Disease test came back NEGATIVE! WHOOOOOOOOPP Give me a cookie! Bake me a cake! GLORY TO GOD! HEALED OF CELIAC DISEASE!

I did have another part of the test show that I have low A....something. lol anyway...she said that I have some sort of autoimmune stuff going on...so.

I found an outlet for my despair about Jake's disappearance. I dug, raked, and am still cleaning my garden. I would like to build a small fire pit to roast mellows on:)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Longest week

Wow. This week has been long. First the bad. Duma is gone-he is wild I think. I am having to have more tests. The worst thing: my Prince Jake has fled after a freak accident. I always ease really slow into my driveway. As always I did and this time Jake stopped for some reason. I either got his tail or leg or foot... Or ... And he ran off . I am so so so sad. He is my son, and I don't care what people think. He ran out of food. I bought him more and refilled his bowl. If you know me well, you know how I feel about this cat.

I had a wonderful report from the heart cath. My Thirty one party this week was a blessing in ssoooooo many ways. I have a beautiful family. A home and etc. I am still so very blessed.

Now- pray for Jake's return & this neck pain n stiffness to vanish!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm alive!
The RHC wasn't terrible.
I was able to push the thought of the RHC into the back of my mind. I had some great support from my PH facebook fam=they are super! When Josh and I made our way to the cardiac waiting area, I almost started crying, but I didn't. I just thought this in my head, " He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane...I am a tree."
The most uncomfortable part was the shoving in of the catheter into my neck. I didn't really feel it all in my heart, but apparently my heart got a little tickled-which was ok. I did have conscious sedation along with some nausea med. After the procedure, they wheeled me back to the recovery room...for only 30 min....then it was homebound. I forced myself to stay awake until I got some food:) hahahaha! I really like food. Then I was out. WAY OUT. I slept the entire 4 hours home. It was good.

God has a way of say, " I'm here." He works through us.
 When I got home, I decided I would walk to the mailbox and get the mail. Our new neighbor, Courtney, walked by with a stroller. She stopped and introduced herself. (I have been saying for a while: folk just ain't neighborly like they use to be in the old days) What a gift! She was so very sweet, and offered to bring supper for Wednesday. I'm pleased she's our neighbor!
My neck was very sore. The tape and everything pulled and pulled , and I had to hold my neck over like I had a crink in it. I rested as much as I can, but also made sure to hold my Prince Jake.

My Duma, I believe, has wondered off into the great unknown. He may return again. I knew from the beginning that he was a little on the wild side. I named him Duma after a cheetah, and that he is...:)

It's time for the bandage to come off, but it burns like crazy. A couple gross spot-like a burn, sometimes the tape does it to me.

I'm hoping when I get this thing off my neck won't be so sore.

OH the results. I forgot.
The cath was good:) Pressures were good so guess what!!! NO PH! wahhoo!
I have been released to run.
I had my A.N.A. test come back positive with a speckled pattern. This means I'll be seeing a rheumatologist. Dr. Nisbet said it meant I possibly have a connective tissue disease, and it could be Lupus.
I will run though for those who can't!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Early to Rise

It's time. I awake in the early morning for the Right heart cath. I am ready to get it done and find out what is going on...I did puke tonight - but it wasn't nerves - I think it was the wheat I've been consuming over the past few months. The wheat has caught up with me I reckon . Today has been good. I am so thankful for all the encouragement and prayers !

I will run again . I'll run for those who can't run and wish they could. I will represent the PHers that can't run. I will raise awareness and share hope .

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not Today!!!!

Last night I spent the night in Atlanta. I woke early to get my Methocholine Challenge Test. When I finally got finished with that test, we ate lunch and headed home. The Albuterol , they said, would make me shaky...and it did. AND I got nauseated. Seems like every test makes me nauseated. UGH! After rolling down the window, rolling through ATL with my head by the window like a dog, and getting rid of the nause...I got to get my Thirty-One items. YAY! :).

 THEN I got home to find that my littlest was missing...my Duma. I am very sad. I mean...really...now...a missing pet. Just what I needed right? So now, I'm crying off and on like a baby. My Prince Jake, he is alone again. I know Duma has only been missing for 7 hours, but he never ventures off like that....YES I know male cats wonder, but he is a little one. :( Pray for his return please. PLEASE.
OH! And I am having the Right Heart Cath on next Tuesday EARLY morning. I hope Duma comes home by then.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Be Prepared.

Last week I had my blood drawn, and my scans done.
I actually was retested for Celiac Disease by my Dr. You see...I've been eating gluten. It's so goooood. Pizza...noodles...the works. I'm hoping they will call me today, and say...no Celiac. I'll be so glad;) hehehe

Dr. Nisbet called me yesterday. I cannot express how much I appreciate her attentiveness. She is super sweet. No lie. When I got off the phone with her, Robyn said she couldn't even tell it was a Dr. She would've assumed a family member or friend. :) 

Dr. Nisbet said my all my blood tests she took were normal. We are still waiting on 2 of them to come back. My scans also came back normal=no pulmonary clots:)  She then proceeded to schedule my Right Heart Cath for next Tuesday! AHHH!!! Here it is. I am still waiting on confirmation on the date. It will be in October for sure. I cannot tell a lie. The "inside my heart" thing makes me a little nervous. I've learned over the years how to not be a worry wart. Push it in the back of ya mind=no worries. God's got it. 

Some of you already know, I sell Scentsy. I've also picked up a new brand, Thirty-One Gifts. I love this company-based on Proverbs 31. It is a company that encourages women. I've done very well in the short time. God has ordained this meeting I KNOW! He's always on time;) I can see and feel in my spirit what he is working out..I am seeing part of the picture. So excited!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Forget Robinhood. What about Womanhood.

I'm always hearing women say, " I have a lot to do this week." I would like to respond, "Yes, we do." and then bond in sisterly love.

I decided as an example that I should share my week.

Monday: Homeschool groups. Bank. Interview.
Tuesday: Bloodwork. Homeschool. 31party.
Wednesday: ATL for scans all day.
Thursday: Homeschool. 31 party.
Friday: work @ Jenny's 9-6
Saturday: work @ Jenny's 9-6
Sunday: Church/lead worship with a smile:)
and all the in between ...

Now in addition: Women of the majority of households...we add: dishes. floors.  we dust.  dolaundry. make bed. get kids ready. and etc. Now, am I able to keep a perfectly tidy-spotless home? NO. Get real.

It seems there aren't quite enough hours in each day...or week.
"Why?" You ask. "Why do you fill your plate so full my deary?" I'm part of a special society of women...made up of a certain breed. I sometimes dread things of course. However, in my endeavors I find a certain enjoyment.

Women of today's society: wife. mother. maid. teacher. winner of the bread and takers of  adventures of their own....Lend me your ear!

Thus why I say, " What about Womanhood!"

So, when you're feeling alone and overwhelmed. Don't. You aren't alone. You my sister are a part of a society I hear-by declare as, "The Daughters of the Kitchen Table".
signed: Womanhood

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Breath in. Breath out.

The Specialist.
So yes. I found a PH specialist. Josh and I drove 4 hours to see her and...it was worth it.  She is a pulmonologist that specializes in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

Here is the spill:

I have to have more tests.

1. Blood Tests: testing for 16 different diseases or conditions that may be contributing or causing my issues. Wait I was incorrect. So here is my updated correction 16 different blood tests:testing for several different conditions /diseases
2.Chest Xray(lungs)
3. VQ scan of chest(lungs)
4. CT of my chest(lungs)
5. Methacholine Challenge Test (Asthma)

After receiving these results, my Dr. will call me, and tell me the results. (to save me a trip)
Then she will schedule a Right Heart Catheterization: this test will give the answer to : Do I have Pulmonary Hypertension?

I'm baffled at the amount of testing I have had done, and am having done. I try not to think about it too hard. I know God has got my back.

That is my health update.

OH! I told her my goal was to run again! AND I WILL!

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Game Nobody Wants to Play

So Here I Am

Diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension;waiting for a doctor's appt in order to be treated
Waiting stinks!

My docs office is a wonderful group of ladies. It's time for serious business now. After attempting to see a Cardiologist at Emory, and being turned down due to it not being congenital??....I cried that day...but I'm over it. Thanks. After being frustrated...I rebelled by eating wheat. OH yes I've paid for that...I am such an dummy on that one. Talk about "gnashing" -robyn u know what i mean-
I researched and have educated myself on pulmonary hypertension. There are approximately 30,000 folk in the U.S. that are being treated. It's rare. I found this great organization that has boosted my knowledge. Ya'll know I'm a nerd. I realize that most general doctors and even local specialist have little experience with this condition. Soooo...I researched more, and found a group up in Gwinnett that I'm gonna try and get in with...I figure eh I'm gonna just have to believe they'll take me. HELLOOO!!! I need some treatment here people! 

I stayed with Granny last night. She slept hard. Her sisters came and visited with her yesterday. That was good:) Aunt Susan will be with her tonight, and then me the next, and her the next...and then Thursday the plan is to get her to the nursing home. 

Daddy has started Cardiac Rehab. He is doing well with that I think. Hard to say. 

My mom lost her sister the other night. She lived in Pusan, S.Korea. Mama is sad. She loved her so much. She had cancer, and her kidneys + failed. 

In all of this: I thank those who have reached up and out in prayer. Those who have listened, and comforted me and my family. 

On a good note: Natalie and I start the 4th grade homeschool journey next week. I'm excited about that:) I love it! This year I chose different curriculum , and it's gonna be good!

I must say I am blessed. 
Don't think I don't have faith. Cause booh I do. 
God is my strength.

Don't know what pulmonary hypertension is:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pictures of Promise

Ready for our canoe adventure 2012

All thumbs up!


adventure wound

blast off

how we got there

just around the riverbend

try it. Royston, GA

I'm pulling us out of the rocks

Uncle Joel, Aunt Jan, and Maddie

Uncle Joel and Maddie

Testing, Testing,

Had an echocardiogram, X-ray, and Thallium stress test today. I was told that the running part of the stress test looked good:) yes! It will be 2-3 days before my tests are actually read, which means next week before I hear anything. I have a CT in the morning.
I have decided that I do have inflammation...obviously...I'm tired of not exercising...so I'm hitting it hard tomorrow. I'm gonna take an anti-inflammatory, and pray to God for strength. I'm not planning on going backward peeps...Gotta keep going forward. I mean..I have plans yo!! I gotta get in the best shape of my life and hold it! These symptoms gotta go!!!

Daddy is doing okay. He has to go through Cardiac Rehab, and then we will see. He still tires easily. 

That is all for today.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Slow Down

Sometimes this life forces us to slow down...
      and it's okay.

June has flown by me.
   My birthday trip was a sweet success, and I am gonna post pictures later.
The following week after my birthday, and I mean directly on June 18th my daddy had a massive heart attack. He does have a history of heart attacks, and etc. This was a "big one Elizabeth!" I told him, "If anything, we've got to spend a lot of time together:) " , and you know what....now I sure do miss him when I'm not staying with him. My Aunt Susan, and Aunt Jan are big helps: we are all taking our turns looking after my daddy and granny, and well..really each other. My granny doesn't know who we are most of the time. She's a precious soul.
   Also, I've gotten to spend time with my Harold Jr., and my Sam I Am, and I've gotten to talk with my J.D. who is living a life of adventure....Well we all are aren't we....the best we can:)
  I'm so proud of them. 
Harold Jr. is going to med school in August, and he is gonna be an awesome Dr.
Samantha is teaching special education, and she longs to help those who are in need of love.
 J.D. is a master carpenter, the best I know, and if you meet him=you'll say the same. He just bought a big ol' sail boat, and he can build anything!
All of these kids are passionate about it all...and passion is important...."Don't lose your passion"
    Before the Boom! with it all, I had noticed some stuff going on with myself...of course I put it off..
    Today, I went to see my Dr's office folk.
Previously, I had an abnormal EKG/ECG, and they sent me for a stress test. I passed.

Today, I watched her print out several pages in her attempts to print a clear copy..."It doesn't show you've had a heart attack, but there are some changes. You need another stress test."
There were some other things that I was concerned about....and so now...
I'm getting an XRay of my spine and etc. and a thallium stress test. I did sneak a peak at the EKG/ECG, and saw this ,Sinus Bradycardia and Possible Right Ventricular Hypertrophy. Perhaps I shouldn't have looked. My followup appointment is the first week in August.

I thought I had put on weight, but indeed I have lost 6.2 lbs since May 30! a total loss of 27lbs. 
I am concerned, and will be asking about my exercise limitations. I walked on the treadmill, and wanted to cry...it is so boring!!! I wanted to run!!!!
 AHHHHH!!!! Help me Jesus!!!! 

Maybe I'm freaking out, but don't think for a moment that my heart is weak! God's breath is in me.

So all in all...please pray for me, and my entire family through this season .
God is our strength.

Our Hope Endures 

Monday, June 11, 2012

June Baby (photos included)

I'm a June baby<---that I am! I'll be 30 on June 15th.
June is a busy month, and yes I like to celebrate all month. HA!
Wed: I'll be leavin' town, and headed to the North! I'm visiting some cool and special folk. It'll be me, Robyn, and my lil girl. I'm super excited. It's my birthday trip,so well probably to a little canoeing. We shall see.

Next week my boo starts her guitar camp! YAY! She is ecstatic! I know she'll do great, because my baby is talented. mmmhmm :)
Also, coming back with us from my trip will be a visitor.Michaela! She'll get to live a little bit of life in the South:)
Then next Saturday is my family reunion=Yipeeee=singin' and eatin'=2 good things:)

The next week I get to spend some time with my Cali family:)! I work 2 days, then plan to take Lexi(my sis n law) and Michaela on a little adventure they'll remember for a lifetime=their first real canoe trip! bwahahahahaha!Then I work the next day!
Sooo you see, life is busy, but my life is blessed, and I'll continue on striving, and I will fight the good fight...and sometimes write a run on sentence or two with horrible punctuation! -not because I don't know any better, but because I can!

Pray for my trip to the North!

Monday, May 21, 2012

CHAT it up!

Woke up and went to CHAT field day! The kiddos played games, we ate, & then it was off to the pool. I brought water balloons for the games I picked. One of the moms, Laura, came up with a great idea. We played dodge ball with water balloons, and the moms got to throw the balloons at the kids. We all ended up a bit wet by the end I think. It was so very grand in the heat.

Kelly ha to guard the balloons prior to games, due to all the kids wanting to just hold or touch the water balloons. Hmmm I was sure to take a snapshot. I love you Kelly!!!

The pool time was wonderful. Funny how things change. I use to dislike just sitting in the hot sun doing nothing. Now, I love doing nothing and getting a free tan. Ahhhh I grasped that moment.

Soooo, I can home and clean a tiny bit. Then I ran 1.5 miles. And I didn't cramp until I stopped, and they weren't as bad as before.hallelujah!

I thought I'd share an odd photo. I noticed that for the past couple of years I've had this spot that comes up on my leg when I get hot. Look at it! It was so amazing that I had to take a quick picture.
I then relaxed and cooled down with a song or two.
Squash was next. Although, I couldn't quit eat all of it. But I took a picture of that, too!
Now, I say goodnight to you. I must bathe, and read my Managing Your Moods Devotional.

Me and Lennie! I look like my granny  in this pic.

up on the inside towards my knee. hmmm see it!

Kelly guards the balloons

Soothing mmhmmm

the squash. Thanks to Nan n Pop. Love them.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Quick notes

I am down to about 170-172 lbs.
I haven't been able to run as often as usual. After about 1 mile of running on pavement, I get these horrible stomach cramps(not the side cramps). I HAVE to stop and walk. Today, I ran 1.08, and had to stop. When I got home, I started coughing and wheezing. Wheezing usually only happens to me when I run in the cold air. Now, here I am feeling a little frustrated. I was running 2-3 miles, and now I am making it only 1 mile. WHAT IN THE WORLD ??

Positively, I spent the best 3 bucks on a devotional at the Dollar General called, Managing Your Moods. I'm not ashamed to say it either. I've done the first one, and plan to do the second tonight. The first chapter talks about emotions. It's a good devotional, and I want to buy all of them to give as gifts.

I am ready for June! My birthday is the 15th, and I'll officially be 30yrs old. Good things will happen in June!
I'm going to see my Uncle Joel in North GA, and am planning on going on a sweet canoe trip with him, my little girl, and my best friend. My husband will be working, so I don't think he is going.
Miss Michaela is coming back home to stay in South Ga for a while :) We gone chill, and enjoy.
Our Shiver Family reunion will be happening for the first time in many years! I hope we get to sit around and sing some ol' hymns.(hint hint) "Who can bring the hymnals?"
My Sis in law and my two nieces are flying over from Cali, and I can't wait to meet my newest niece for the first time. Her name is Ava. :) She'll be turning 1 years old while she is here. I bet Miss Madeline has grown so very much! AND I can't wait to spend time with my super sweet, super talented, super super sis n law! I love them:)!!!

I've been working at my mom's store a lil more. I can honestly say that I love working there. Most of the customers know me, and it's pretty good to work with people who are like family. :)D:)

I want some Korean food bad.

that is all fer now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It Ain't Spam!

    I've decided to start back to selling online. Selling some stuff that is just taking up too much space. Clothes that I've grown out of ,or I slide out of...:) If you've been keeping up with me on facebook, then you may have seen my posts. Well, just so you know...It aint' spam!

Poshmark is the bomb. The company figures in the shipping for the buyer, and you get an email with a shipping label for priority mail...and you just print. It's so easy and kewl!

I've gone through my closet so many times and whimped out on gettin' rid of stuff. You know the, "I might get back to that size thing, or the I might get bigger, or the I might need that for something one of these days.

I figure: I need $$ for Natalie's school books. So this is great for me! 

This is an Iphone App. But you can shop online, too!!

Be sure to use this code if you sign up with Poshmark: HBSMJ

Here is the link to my closet:

Friday, May 11, 2012


Whoa! Today was a busy busy day!

My alarm clock failed. Well, actually I set it to PM instead of AM=my bad. I woke a little late...eh.
I actually made it to work early.-------side note: in case you didn't already know-I work for my mama.
Soooo I worked from 9-6. Very busy day=productive.
Then I did my cousin's hair, and ate some food over there.mmhmmm
Now, I'm typing this blog. so exciting..I know...I can see it in your eyes.

Let's see...Let's see....
O! I got my first 5k results in..oh yeah.
Gnat Days 5k run. According to the results:
My time: 34:32:03 I came in 4th in my age group

The female who came in 3rd in my age groups time was: 32:31:61
                                      2nd  in my age groups time was: 30:45.03
                                       1st in my age groups time was: 28:24.34
There were 16 in my age group

I was # 119 out of 217 in the whole thing

The female who came in 3rd in my age groups time was: 32:31:61
The overall male winner time: 17:51:33

My goal is to race under 30...or 28...and I would love to do 25...

I haven't been able to run or work out this week hardly any...only one day so far....and I am craving a good work out!  I sho can tell, too!
I think to myself: What has happened to you? You have developed a habit, and a healthy one...whaaaa?

Nothing is impossible. Watch.

Matthew 17:20

New King James Version (NKJV)
20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief;[a] for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Pictured Below: Aunt Anna in her homemade Shrek Glasses holder thingys!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Get Your Panties in a Wad

I'm trying to think before I type.
Yesterday, I attempted to log into my blog to post a blog that would be entertaining and funny...and well...I couldn't log in...TODAY I go to blogger, and don't even have to log in...I'm already in....hmmmmm.

I like to blog my days on the day of...ya know...so it'll be more real and junk.

Ok.Ok. I hardly ever talk about these things out loud, but I'm just in a mood so I will. BHAHA!

I am not confused.

But I reckon some others are...Yes, I did say reckon, and that doesn't make me dumb or whatever hate word some folks like to call other folk who use the word reckon. I reckon I just like that word.

So, ya know...everybody has a facebook, and I rarely have eva posted my opinions on how folk post junk on there...but this ain't facebook folk.

What is so amazing to me is ...
As most know, I believe in God. I am firm in what I believe. I am not a crazy religious people hater who thinks of myself as perfect. I don't throw Bibles at people, and mock them or call them idiots for not agreeing with me.  You cannot change my mind about what I believe...cause well...then I would actually be a hypocrite.  I wouldn't believe in what I say I believe in at all.

Are you with me? Ok. Let's keep going.

Now, I love all kinds of peeps. Ya'll know that my peeps. But what does make my face squench up (although I am not offended) is when peeples who disagree with my beliefs bash my beliefs, talk about folk who believe what I believe, mock my beliefs, and call folk who believe what I believe idiots. AND some of them peeples say they love me.
( now according to the Bible-the book I believe to be true-it says I will be mocked, so ...I guess it should be expected.)

Yes. I do know that there are folk who claim to believe in God, and shove it down folks throat. But guess what...I try my darndest not to bash those folk either.

What's the difference here?
Folks preach love.Folks bash and shove.
 Should we stab back at the other who stabbed us first? ,or Who stabbed who first?
Whoa! Confusion= a hot steamin' mess.

Thank you for not analyzing every word I type/say during your visit to my blog.
I appreciate you not bashing or mocking me at this time, or at a later time with a friend, family member,and for not posting your mockery on your fb page.

No, I will not discuss this blog. It's my blog, and this is all I choose to share at this time. I'll take no further questions.

As I finish this blog with a chuckle and a wink. I hope that you have read it with the right mindset, and not one of anger or resentment.
 Cause as Sweet Brown would say, " Ain't nobody got time for that!"

I reckon that is all my blah-ging for tonight.
Peace! I love ya'll!

Matthew 11:6

And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”

Matthew 6:12
"And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors."

Matthew 6:14-15

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Laugh in the Face of Thirty!


Sooo many things are happening that are reminders that I'm about to turn 30. Do I think 30 is old? NO!
But it is older than 0-29. FACT. 
I decided to make a couple lists. Let's see how they look...
I think it is best to start with the negative(which you can look to as positives) and then finish with the goods.
1. I hear my parents(especially mother) come out in me.-see told ya could be good...although as a kid I remember saying I'd never be like her...but now it's looking pretty good...my mom is beautiful inside and out.
2. I  scold teenagers.-again could be positive=I get to be the boss. but ohhhh how hilarious it sounds...to hear the old lady comin' out in you...I laugh inside.
3. My joints are acting up=nothing really new...but my shoulder...well...tonight it is tired...no lifting..I mean I can't lift my right arm very high... overworked it in the yard...oops.
4. It's harder to keep the weight off due to
5. Hormone imbalances along with other stuff.
6. I am an adult woman=only other adult women understand, errands.blahblahlbah........must I say more. I'm tired.
7. Wrinkles=means I'm wiser right...time for the wrinkle cream!
8. I can't sleep as well.=I can't sleep as well.
9. Vitamins and supplements. whoa!
10. I think a person is my age until I hear, " Yes Ma'am". =at least I get respect!
uhhhhhhhh ok enough of that negative stuff....
POSITIVE-that's what I'm talkin' about
1. I look at my parents in a different light. Ya know they aren't dumb after all.
2. I know who I am! 
3. I don't care what folk think. -I can dance in the grocery store when a good song is playing. I get down to some jams in the car. 
4. I know more than I did from 0-29. -technically I am still 29 until June.
5. I can do basically what I want...along with what other folk need me to do...but I make it work.
6. I have a husband who has been through enough years with me to know I love him and he loves me.
7. I have a little girl who loves me unconditionally...and I her.
8. I am able to encourage kids to be themselves, and get to tell them,"You have purpose!" and seemingly they listen.
9. I can think I am cool, and know it.
10. I am like the "cool aunt".
11. I can go canoeing if I want.
12. I am at a place that I have decided to get as fit as I can possibly be by 40 , and it looks realistic.
13. I am at a turning point age.
14. I can type a blog without adult supervision.

So you see....when you are giving advice to a kid...or talking to your bff about your aches and pains...and how you need to lose more weight or get more fit...or gain more muscle mass to try and tighten your skins....or about the wrinkle cream you use...or about hormone imbalances............just know...

It's all for the better!

I ain't old yet! I'm just getting better like fine wine!

Who says I have to act like I'm dying? HELLO.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


        This weekend I ventured on up to a women's conference in Warner Robins, GA! NHI WOMEN SHOUT OUT! Pretty much the entire trip home I cried with joy.
     You see...God...when He does something...He does it big. 
     About 3 years ago, Josh and I entered into the ministry field. Let me just say...boy howdy!
We began having services at the Tift Area Conference Center. We all went early early to set up sound equipment and chairs and etc.  Then God moved us to a store front...we were there for a couple years. 
We have been praying and waiting for God to do something huge.  God has been transforming our small congregation. He has been preparing us all for such a time as this. 
God moves quickly. Pay attention.
     It was a Sunday morning. Josh and I were on the way to church. I showed him our lease that was due for our store front, and said, "I'm gonna give it to them on Monday."
That night, Josh went to a ministry school, and asked one of the ladies there(a realtor) something he'd asked a few times before..."Do you know of any church buildings for rent?" 
     Now notice: We have been looking for 3 years. Either the price was not right...or the building was all wrong.....but then...we learned what waiting was......
     Remember, I planned on turning in the lease on Monday. Josh called me on his way home Sunday night and told me that he asked and was told that we had a building available. 
     So Monday, we meet the owner. Guess what...we moved in and had our first service there this past Sunday! WHOOOOOOOOO
     God is opening so many doors. 
     My entire life God has planted so many things in my heart...and I swell up with tears as I see what He is doing with it all....how He beautifully orchestrates everything...how He places people in our lives for purpose...
     There are so many things in my heart that I have had vision for...and I see...that I think, "how is God gonna do all this in my lifetime here on Earth" Wanna know how...? He has been doing it my whole life. wow:)
     This weekend I heard a testimony that struck a chord with my soul from Mrs. LOL...Lisa Out Loud :)(ooo I love her) I decided from then on that I need to share too...
     I remember as a kid watching these kids on tv that were starving and crying and wanting so badly to help...I've always had a heart for Africa...for children who were dying...while I was being so blessed.
My mother grew up in poverty (where scraps from 1 boiled egg were fought over by 6 siblings), and I guess that grew my compassion even more...but without God there would be no love.
     You see we don't deserve anything good that we have...family, homes, food, life...
This is what I say, "God is all I need. Everything else is extra." He has given me so many blessings...so much extra...I will never understand how He loves me so.
     I might ramble sometimes...especially lately...bouncing from one subject to another...but that is because God is doing sooo much.
He overwhelms me with His love.

I want to tell you.  You might have been through some deep doodoo. You might say, "I've gone too far...done too much wrong." You might even look at others and feel discouraged. (that is another message) But this one thing I know...and your heart knows...
God loves you more than you can ever imagine. You might not understand it all right now. But God has purpose for your life. Just give it all to Him. I won't promise you that life here on this world will be easy. We wrestle against some evil things.... addiction, depression, rejection, lust...but God has made you for more than this...He will transform your mind and your spirit. Peace will flow over you, and even through the hard times...you will know..God is with you. 
If you don't know what to pray..pray with me.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. You are the most high God. Thank You for Your great sacrifice, Jesus. I give everything to You. I know I can't do it on my own. I repent. I give to You my heart and my body. Use me Father. Transform my mind. Thank You for your mercy, grace, and love.
I love You. In Jesus name-Amen

Now...say this aloud: "I'm not going back!"