Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Well, I figure now that I am sitting in front of the laptop...this is a good time to update.
Sorry...been so busy.

My heart is A okay! Praise God! Thanks for the prayers. I have a high free testosterone level and low b12. So supplements are required. Not to bad though .Seems to be working. Gonna check it out next month.

Now, more than ever, I can see almost clearly that my destiny is coming true. The desires of my heart are unfolding! I don't know...Be excited or what. I just look ahead.
I am working with 2 of my homies...Memarie and Manager/Boss lady Tracy D. We are cooking up some good jams. Just wait! AHHHHH so much:)

AND as far as ministry. I have always wanted to travel all over doin' good and sharing God's unconditional love to those in need both here and abroad. I have decided to get my passport, and do it!
I am now raising money for a mission trip or if God allows mission tripS next year! Would like to raise $2,000 dollars for myself and if possible $2,000 for Josh at the minimum. That would cover a trip to Equador. I am going to Equador for sure. I have always wanted to go to Africa, and am seeing a couple doors opening! yes!!! those trips would be $3,000 a piece at least. I am excited and ready. I am ready to get my hand on the folks that are stricken with disease and have broken love love love and pray for them. Meanwhile, before I go abroad...I'm doing work here at home.
  If you can help...spare a dollar or so: here is the address:
KHI ministries
 P.O. Box 108
Norman Park, GA 31771

Tax deductable if made to Kingdom Harvest Intl. ( missions)
Or you can make it out to Ann Gill, KHI