Friday, November 11, 2011

Running The Race

  " We are often challenged in life. Many times we expect the challenge... and for me...well I mostly enjoy those times. Then...there are times when we are challenged in an unexpected way.  Those unexpected times are meant to carve us. How we respond, how we cope, how we accomplish, how we finish...
   The race of life has never been told to be an easy track. Bumps, hurdles, and whoaaaa unexpected pot holes. Sometimes we get hurt in those holes...sprain our ankles or skin our knees. Hey. When we step into those holes we scream, cry, and even get angry.
   The thing is
...some see the pot holes and purposely stumble into them...forgetting the result effects his/her entire team. They get tired and see it as a way out of the race...out of the path they are purposed to be on...
...some don't see the pot holes and booom! Outta nowhere! "What the..." But they get back up, and they keep running...not looking back at the pot hole. These...remember, they learn from what has past them. So, they emerge stronger, faster, and even more determined than before finish the race.

   Which are you?

Will you give up...are you giving up before you even see the finish line...

or will you keep running...pushing...becoming...the warrior you were born to be... surviving even when you can't see the finish line..."

-written by Ann Gill NOV. 11, 2011

Proverbs 24:16

16For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity.

Be on the lookout. Sometimes the adversary attempts to kill your purpose by pushing you into a pot your track. Don't let them.


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