Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Laugh in the Face of Thirty!


Sooo many things are happening that are reminders that I'm about to turn 30. Do I think 30 is old? NO!
But it is older than 0-29. FACT. 
I decided to make a couple lists. Let's see how they look...
I think it is best to start with the negative(which you can look to as positives) and then finish with the goods.
1. I hear my parents(especially mother) come out in me.-see told ya could be good...although as a kid I remember saying I'd never be like her...but now it's looking pretty mom is beautiful inside and out.
2. I  scold teenagers.-again could be positive=I get to be the boss. but ohhhh how hilarious it hear the old lady comin' out in you...I laugh inside.
3. My joints are acting up=nothing really new...but my shoulder...well...tonight it is lifting..I mean I can't lift my right arm very high... overworked it in the yard...oops.
4. It's harder to keep the weight off due to
5. Hormone imbalances along with other stuff.
6. I am an adult woman=only other adult women understand, errands.blahblahlbah........must I say more. I'm tired.
7. Wrinkles=means I'm wiser right...time for the wrinkle cream!
8. I can't sleep as well.=I can't sleep as well.
9. Vitamins and supplements. whoa!
10. I think a person is my age until I hear, " Yes Ma'am". =at least I get respect!
uhhhhhhhh ok enough of that negative stuff....
POSITIVE-that's what I'm talkin' about
1. I look at my parents in a different light. Ya know they aren't dumb after all.
2. I know who I am! 
3. I don't care what folk think. -I can dance in the grocery store when a good song is playing. I get down to some jams in the car. 
4. I know more than I did from 0-29. -technically I am still 29 until June.
5. I can do basically what I want...along with what other folk need me to do...but I make it work.
6. I have a husband who has been through enough years with me to know I love him and he loves me.
7. I have a little girl who loves me unconditionally...and I her.
8. I am able to encourage kids to be themselves, and get to tell them,"You have purpose!" and seemingly they listen.
9. I can think I am cool, and know it.
10. I am like the "cool aunt".
11. I can go canoeing if I want.
12. I am at a place that I have decided to get as fit as I can possibly be by 40 , and it looks realistic.
13. I am at a turning point age.
14. I can type a blog without adult supervision.

So you see....when you are giving advice to a kid...or talking to your bff about your aches and pains...and how you need to lose more weight or get more fit...or gain more muscle mass to try and tighten your skins....or about the wrinkle cream you use...or about hormone imbalances............just know...

It's all for the better!

I ain't old yet! I'm just getting better like fine wine!

Who says I have to act like I'm dying? HELLO.

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