My soul is longing for Mozambique. I am bursting!! It's what lies there.... that awaits me.... I feel the pull from the depths of my soul. I long as if I belong...The call is loud. It booms. I am aware that some may not comprehend the depths from which I is from a place that I can hear...again.
Where God has me now, this is where I will minister now. This place I am in...the soil is to have an imprint of His love wherever I go.
My prayer is that I can only be as He wants me to be. I want to be dead to my selfish wants only to live fully in His presence...leaving behind something bigger than I could ever be. I want to leave behind a sense of peace...I want to be able to show pure love to everyone...Love is tangible...Love looks like something(Heidi Baker)...Love looks like Jesus.
I am quite overwhelmed at times that God has chosen me to walk as Jesus did...among the poor and untouchable...and with just one touch of His love their lives will be changed forever. I am amazed for I deserve nothing but death. Yet He continues to pour into me life. I wish only to have it abundantly so that it may overflow into others...that I may become a perhaps a mere stream that trickles down from His ocean...well really I want to be a bursting with life!!
"What is this...why do you speak so differently?"
I speak no differently than I always have. I am no longer afraid to become vulnerable as I always have been...for now I am more sure than ever that I am covered.
God spoke to me about worship and warfare. Worship requires being humble before what/who we are worshiping. We must be lower than what/who we hold high. What we worship during this battle covers us. If you crouch down in battle(get down low) you are usually hidden by something greater than yourself. What/who are we esteeming higher than ourselves...what are we worshiping?
What is covering you in battle?<----this is the question we must ask ourselves. It could be work, sports, tv, shopping, school, celebrities or well there are tons of things and people we could unknowingly esteem higher than ourselves..higher than what we were created to be. Worshipers....covered completely by the great King of Kings. The time we spend in worship (reading the Word, singing, praying, or simply listening) is so very important for our existence. God wants a relationship. Some call it quiet time...Some call it the "secret place" which I like very much. It is special for each individual person. God meets us there. He is so big:)
I can honestly say that I was never happy walking off path. There is no greater joy than to be this alive! He is doing things as He promised...beyond what I could ever imagine.
The tears that fall are now drops of love for I am so in love.
I will go wherever He calls me.
I am not afraid of death. Death cannot kill me.
This time I'm sharing 2 videos:) and I finally got our website up and running.
One of many areas in which Iris Global is ministering: I love the fact that these children are being equipped.
Phoebe's Story
Close your eyes and listen.