Monday, July 30, 2012

A Game Nobody Wants to Play

So Here I Am

Diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension;waiting for a doctor's appt in order to be treated
Waiting stinks!

My docs office is a wonderful group of ladies. It's time for serious business now. After attempting to see a Cardiologist at Emory, and being turned down due to it not being congenital??....I cried that day...but I'm over it. Thanks. After being frustrated...I rebelled by eating wheat. OH yes I've paid for that...I am such an dummy on that one. Talk about "gnashing" -robyn u know what i mean-
I researched and have educated myself on pulmonary hypertension. There are approximately 30,000 folk in the U.S. that are being treated. It's rare. I found this great organization that has boosted my knowledge. Ya'll know I'm a nerd. I realize that most general doctors and even local specialist have little experience with this condition. Soooo...I researched more, and found a group up in Gwinnett that I'm gonna try and get in with...I figure eh I'm gonna just have to believe they'll take me. HELLOOO!!! I need some treatment here people! 

I stayed with Granny last night. She slept hard. Her sisters came and visited with her yesterday. That was good:) Aunt Susan will be with her tonight, and then me the next, and her the next...and then Thursday the plan is to get her to the nursing home. 

Daddy has started Cardiac Rehab. He is doing well with that I think. Hard to say. 

My mom lost her sister the other night. She lived in Pusan, S.Korea. Mama is sad. She loved her so much. She had cancer, and her kidneys + failed. 

In all of this: I thank those who have reached up and out in prayer. Those who have listened, and comforted me and my family. 

On a good note: Natalie and I start the 4th grade homeschool journey next week. I'm excited about that:) I love it! This year I chose different curriculum , and it's gonna be good!

I must say I am blessed. 
Don't think I don't have faith. Cause booh I do. 
God is my strength.

Don't know what pulmonary hypertension is:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pictures of Promise

Ready for our canoe adventure 2012

All thumbs up!


adventure wound

blast off

how we got there

just around the riverbend

try it. Royston, GA

I'm pulling us out of the rocks

Uncle Joel, Aunt Jan, and Maddie

Uncle Joel and Maddie

Testing, Testing,

Had an echocardiogram, X-ray, and Thallium stress test today. I was told that the running part of the stress test looked good:) yes! It will be 2-3 days before my tests are actually read, which means next week before I hear anything. I have a CT in the morning.
I have decided that I do have inflammation...obviously...I'm tired of not I'm hitting it hard tomorrow. I'm gonna take an anti-inflammatory, and pray to God for strength. I'm not planning on going backward peeps...Gotta keep going forward. I mean..I have plans yo!! I gotta get in the best shape of my life and hold it! These symptoms gotta go!!!

Daddy is doing okay. He has to go through Cardiac Rehab, and then we will see. He still tires easily. 

That is all for today.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Slow Down

Sometimes this life forces us to slow down...
      and it's okay.

June has flown by me.
   My birthday trip was a sweet success, and I am gonna post pictures later.
The following week after my birthday, and I mean directly on June 18th my daddy had a massive heart attack. He does have a history of heart attacks, and etc. This was a "big one Elizabeth!" I told him, "If anything, we've got to spend a lot of time together:) " , and you know I sure do miss him when I'm not staying with him. My Aunt Susan, and Aunt Jan are big helps: we are all taking our turns looking after my daddy and granny, and well..really each other. My granny doesn't know who we are most of the time. She's a precious soul.
   Also, I've gotten to spend time with my Harold Jr., and my Sam I Am, and I've gotten to talk with my J.D. who is living a life of adventure....Well we all are aren't we....the best we can:)
  I'm so proud of them. 
Harold Jr. is going to med school in August, and he is gonna be an awesome Dr.
Samantha is teaching special education, and she longs to help those who are in need of love.
 J.D. is a master carpenter, the best I know, and if you meet him=you'll say the same. He just bought a big ol' sail boat, and he can build anything!
All of these kids are passionate about it all...and passion is important...."Don't lose your passion"
    Before the Boom! with it all, I had noticed some stuff going on with myself...of course I put it off..
    Today, I went to see my Dr's office folk.
Previously, I had an abnormal EKG/ECG, and they sent me for a stress test. I passed.

Today, I watched her print out several pages in her attempts to print a clear copy..."It doesn't show you've had a heart attack, but there are some changes. You need another stress test."
There were some other things that I was concerned about....and so now...
I'm getting an XRay of my spine and etc. and a thallium stress test. I did sneak a peak at the EKG/ECG, and saw this ,Sinus Bradycardia and Possible Right Ventricular Hypertrophy. Perhaps I shouldn't have looked. My followup appointment is the first week in August.

I thought I had put on weight, but indeed I have lost 6.2 lbs since May 30! a total loss of 27lbs. 
I am concerned, and will be asking about my exercise limitations. I walked on the treadmill, and wanted to is so boring!!! I wanted to run!!!!
 AHHHHH!!!! Help me Jesus!!!! 

Maybe I'm freaking out, but don't think for a moment that my heart is weak! God's breath is in me.

So all in all...please pray for me, and my entire family through this season .
God is our strength.

Our Hope Endures